Stabilisci se le seguenti affermazioni sono vere o false.
Computer crime is not considered to be a serious threat.
- True
- False
Personal computers or computer networks can be found in almost every private home and business organization.
- True
- False
Hackers are computer criminals who succeed in entering computer systems with a special permission.
- True
- False
A virus is a program which may interfere with routine computer functions.
- True
- False
A "Worm" clones itself uncontrollably corrupting as many computer systems as it can.
- True
- False
A "Trojan Horse" is a program which behaves like the dog in the Homers Odyssey.
- True
- False
Hackers may trigger a virus at a fixed date.
- True
- False
Viruses never spread through floppy discs.
- True
- False
To protect your PC against viruses you should download programs from computerized bulletin boards.
- True
- False
To protect your PC against viruses you should not open e-mail messages with attachments containing files with .exe as their extension.
- True
- False