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Vocabulary Check 1
Abbina le frasi nel menu a tendina a destra con le rispettive indicazioni in italiano a sinistra
Chiedi il documento d'identità
Can I have your id?
Have a nice flight.
One hand luggage
How many cases?
Here's your ticket.
Chiedi quante valigie porta con sé
Can I have your id?
Have a nice flight.
One hand luggage
How many cases?
Here's your ticket.
Rispondi che hai un bagaglio a mano
Can I have your id?
Have a nice flight.
One hand luggage
How many cases?
Here's your ticket.
Porgi il biglietto
Can I have your id?
Have a nice flight.
One hand luggage
How many cases?
Here's your ticket.
Augura di fare un buon viaggio
Can I have your id?
Have a nice flight.
One hand luggage
How many cases?
Here's your ticket.
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