Vocabulary Check 1

Completa con tutte le parole elencate nel box in basso, poi premi "Controlla" per verificare l'esattezza delle tue risposte. Usa il pulsante "Suggerimento" per aggiungere una lettera alla tua risposta. Attenzione! Se chiedi suggerimenti perdi punti.
   ago      altogether      at      But      every      for      Here      of      or   
Tourist - Good afternoon, I need four tickets, please?

Assistant - Are you students under 21?

Tourist - Well, two us are students.

Assistant - May I see your student cards?

Tourist -Yes, course.

Assistant - Fine. So, that’s £4.00 the two students, and £7.00 the other two. £11.00 .

Tourist -O .K. you are.

Assistant - There are guided tours of the castle forty five minutes. the last one started ten minutes . Closing time is 5.30.