Torna alla Grammatica
Modale NEED
Abbina le parole a destra con quelle a sinistra per formare frasi o brevi dialoghi completi e corretti
You don't need your computer,
No, he needn't
it didn't rain
do you?
but he did it
I'm walking
we'll visit them
Need he stop working?
No, he needn't
it didn't rain
do you?
but he did it
I'm walking
we'll visit them
They needn't come here,
No, he needn't
it didn't rain
do you?
but he did it
I'm walking
we'll visit them
She needn't drive me home tonight, because
No, he needn't
it didn't rain
do you?
but he did it
I'm walking
we'll visit them
He needn't have done it,
No, he needn't
it didn't rain
do you?
but he did it
I'm walking
we'll visit them
We didn't need to take the umbrella, because
No, he needn't
it didn't rain
do you?
but he did it
I'm walking
we'll visit them
Torna alla Grammatica