Futuro Intenzionale To Be Going To |
Present Simple To BE + GOING TO + Infinito senza TO del Verbo |
TO DRINK | Esempi |
I am going to drink I'm going to drink |
I'm going to drink a coffee. = Berrò (Ho intenzione di bere) un caffè |
you are going to
drink you're going to drink |
You're going to drink a coffee. = Berrai un caffè |
he is going to
drink he's going to drink |
John's going to drink a coffee.= John berrà un caffè |
she is going to
drink she's going to drink |
She's going to drink a coffee. = Berrà un caffè |
it is going to
drink it's going to drink |
Your dog's going to drink that dirty water! = Il tuo cane sta per bere quell'acqua sporca! |
we are going to
drink we're going to drink |
We're going to drink some water. = Berremo un po' d'acqua |
you are going to
drink you're going to drink |
You are going to drink a coffee. = Berrete un caffè |
they are going to
drink they're going to drink |
They are going to drink a coffee. = Berranno un caffè |
Le forme negativa, interrogativa, interrogativa-negativa e le risposte brevi si creano seguendo le stesse regole del Presente Progressivo dei verbi.
- Avere intenzione di compiere un'azione
Es: I'm going to invite her to the party. = La inviterò alla festa (Ho intenzione di invitarla alla festa).
- Stare per fare qualcosa o per accadere
Es: It's going to snow. = Nevicherà (Sta per nevicare).