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Grammatica Inglese di Base
del prof. Raffaele Nardella

Present Simple: Forma Negativa e Interrogativa

Indice della Grammatica

Forma Negativa, Interrogativa e Interrogativa-Negativa

Le forme negativa, interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa del Simple Present si costruiscono con gli ausiliari DO e DOES
La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo l'ausiliare don't (contrazione di do + not) o doesn't (contrazione di does + not) prima della forma base del verbo; doesn't si usa solo nella terza persona singolare (he, she, it).
La forma interrogativa si ottiene con l'ausiliare do o does (per la 3° persona singolare) davanti al soggetto, cui segue poi la forma base del verbo.
La forma interrogativa-negativa si ottiene con l'ausiliare don't o doesn't (per la 3° persona singolare) davanti al soggetto, cui segue poi la forma base del verbo.
Le tabelle che seguono mostrano i 3 tipi di costruzione della frase

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Forma Negativa

Soggetto Ausiliare Forma Base Esempi
I don't work I don't work on Saturdays
you don't work You don't work hard
he doesn't work Bob doesn't work for a bank
she doesn't work Nancy doesn't work in a team
it doesn't work This escalator doesn't work
we don't work We don't work in this place
you don't work You don't work at home
they don't work They don't work at all

Forma Interrogativa

Ausiliare Soggetto Forma Base Esempi
do I work Do I work too much?
do you work Do you work on Sundays?
does he work Does Bob work in the office?
does she work Does Nancy work at home?
does it work Does this escalator work?
do we work Do we work all together?
do you work Do you work for a bank?
do they work Do your friends work hard?

Forma Interrogativa-Negativa

Ausiliare Soggetto Forma Base Esempi
don't I work Don't I work too much?
don't you work Don't you work on Sundays?
doesn't he work Doesn't Bob work in the office?
doesn't she work Doesn't Nancy work at home?
doesn't it work Doesn't this escalator work?
don't we work Don't we work all together?
don't you work Don't you work for a bank?
don't they work Don't your friends work hard?

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Risposte Brevi (Short Answers)

Le Short Answers sono brevi risposte date a domande che prevedono come risposta in genere un SI' o un NO (Yes/No Questions) e sono preferite alle risposte secche (Yes! / No!).
Si formano al presente semplice utilizzando, dopo YES o NO, il soggetto sempre in forma di pronome personale seguito da DO / DON'T o DOES / DOESN'T. Nelle risposte brevi negative si usano solo le forme contratte DON'T e DOESN'T.

Yes/No Questions Short Answer
Do they work in London? Yes, they do
No, they don't
Do George and Michael work in London? Yes, they do
No, they don't
Does he drive to work? Yes, he does
No, he doesn't
Does Ted drive to work? Yes, he does
No, he doesn't

WH Questions

Le Wh- questions (domande che usano avverbi interrogativi, aggettivi e pronomi interrogativi come What, Where, Why, When, Which, Who) si formano ponendo gli interrogativi Wh- all'inizio della forma interrogativa della frase.
Nel caso di aggettivo interrogativo, questo va sempre inserito insieme al nome a cui si riferisce, ad esempio Which books do you read? = Quali libri leggi?
Interrogativo forma interrogativa Esempi
Why do they work Why do they work on Sundays?
What do you study What do you study?
Which car does she drive Which car does she drive?

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